The Sorry Saga of Bhutan's North

The Sorry Saga of Bhutan's North
Click over the map to know the differences

Monday, July 23, 2007

Unheard Option by the government for the people

Press Release
Friday, July 22, 2007
The NFD-Bhutan (National Front for Democracy in Bhutan) has learnt about an astonishing
exchange of parleys between the officials of the governments of Bhutan and India in the recent past
regarding the protracted Bhutanese political problem. The text below written by Prof. Mahendra P
Lama of School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in a "Paper for the volume in
The Politics, Human Rights and Implications of Protracted Refugee Situations," brought out by
Oxford University, United Nations University, Tokyo and Centre for International Studies,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, released on June 2007, is self explanatory:
…"Discussion by this researcher with various senior Indian officials has revealed very many
interesting parleys between India and Bhutan. The offer by Bhutan to part with one of the districts in
southern Bhutan and handing the same over to India for re-settlement of the refugees and other
Nepali speaking Bhutanese citizens has often been mentioned. Given its serious international
ramifications, this was apparently discarded by India as a desperate proposal from Bhutan…."
[Page 29]

National Front for Democracy in Bhutan (NFD-Bhutan), while thanking India for subsequently
discarding the agenda as a "desperate proposal" from Bhutan and in view of its "serious international
ramifications" takes this as a very serious but deliberate anti-national attempt of despotic regime to
disintegrate the country in order to continue holding on to the power. The NFD-Bhutan strongly
condemns such nefarious acts and would hold the present incumbents responsible in the event that
even an inch of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country is compromised.
The NFD-Bhutan suggests the RGOB that the entire present imbroglio plaguing the nation can be
solved decently through "National Political Harmonization Programme" as already initiated vide
April 21, 2007 memorandum submitted to the King of Bhutan. The NFD-Bhutan will launch mass
awareness campaigning inside Bhutan which could even include the call of non-violent movement
like general strikes in the Himalayan Kingdom and taking the issues to the international forums as
means of retaliation to the anti-national policies of the RGOB.
Thinley Penjore

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